
    My favorite flowers are pure white scented flowers. White Lilies are my #1 with Gardenias coming in a close #2. Caswell & Massey makes a lovely Gardenia lotion that I just love!  I thought of Gardenias (known to many people in New Orleans as Cape Jasmine) yesterday as I was picking them off the bushes in my yard for a floral arrangement. They reminded me of the first time I experienced them while living in the middle east, when an Arabic friend picked one and rubbed it on my wrists. From that moment on I had a favorite natural perfume! Gardenias are very popular, used in many bouquets, Hawaiian leis and centerpieces... and they are the National Flower of Pakistan...Osama Bin Laden's home up until yesterday.  Not to mention, Kate Middleton wore White Gardenia Petals Perfume by Illuminum for her wedding to Prince William this past Friday! Perfect scent!  Happy Monday! xoxo, Julie

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